How to follow along

Read and learn, or code and learn? Your choice!

You can...

  • Go on a guided tour: Grab a coffee, just read and follow along with links and references to the work.


  • Do this as a full-on workshop: Clone the repo, run npm install and npm start, then read about the patterns and try it out in your own self-paced way.


The below commands are those I believe you will want to use. See package.json for more commands!

  • npm start: Runs Serverless Framework in offline mode

  • npm test: Tests code

  • npm run deploy: Deploys code with Serverless Framework

  • npm run release: Run standard-version

  • npm run build: Package and build the code with Serverless Framework


These only apply if you want to deploy code.

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) account with sufficient permissions so that you can deploy infrastructure. A naive but simple policy would be full rights for CloudWatch, Lambda, API Gateway, X-Ray, S3, and CodeDeploy.

  • GitHub account to host your Git fork and for running CI with GitHub Action.

  • Create a mock API payload on Mockachino.

  • Suggested: For example a Cloudflare account for hosting your static documentation on Cloudflare Pages.

  • Optional: Bump account to host your API description. You can remove the Bump section from .github/workflows/main.yml if you want to skip this.

All of the above services can be had for free!

1. Clone or fork the repo

Clone and fork the repo as you normally would.

Optional: Get a Bump account and token

If you don't want to use Bump, go ahead and remove the part at the end of .github/workflows/main.yml.

Go to the Bump website and create a free account and get your token (accessible under CI deployment, see the Access token field).

Copy the token for later use.

2. Mockachino feature toggles

We will use Mockachino as a super-simple mock backend for our feature toggles. This way we can continuously change the values without having to redeploy a service or anything else.

It's really easy to set up. Go to the website and paste this payload into the HTTP Response Body:

  "error": {
    "enableBetaFeatures": false,
    "userGroup": "error"
  "legacy": {
    "enableBetaFeatures": false,
    "userGroup": "legacy"
  "beta": {
    "enableBetaFeatures": true,
    "userGroup": "beta"
  "standard": {
    "enableBetaFeatures": false,
    "userGroup": "standard"
  "dev": {
    "enableBetaFeatures": true,
    "userGroup": "dev"
  "devNewFeature": {
    "enableBetaFeatures": true,
    "enableNewUserApi": true,
    "userGroup": "devNewFeature"
  "qa": {
    "enableBetaFeatures": false,
    "userGroup": "qa"

Change the path from the standard users to toggles. Click Create.

You will get a "space" in which you can administer and edit the mock API. You'll see a link in the format

Copy the endpoint, you'll use it shortly.

3. First deployment to AWS using Serverless Framework

Install all dependencies with npm install, set up husky pre-commits with npm run prepare, then make the first deployment from your machine with npm run deploy.

We do this so that the dynamic endpoints are known to us; we have a logical dependency on these when it comes to our test automation.

Copy the endpoints to the functions.

4. Update references

Next, update the environment value in serverless.yml (around lines 35-36) to reflect your Mockachino endpoint:


Next, also update the following files to reflect your Mockachino endpoint:

  • jest.env.js (line 2)

  • tests/mocks/handlers.ts (line 11-12)

Continue by updating the following files to reflect your FakeUser endpoint on AWS:

  • api/schema.yml (line 8)

  • tests/integration/index.ts (line 6-7)

  • tests/load/k6.js (line 6)

If you chose to use Bump:

  • Add your document name in the CI script .github/workflows/main.yml on line 113 (doc: YOUR_DOC_NAME)

  • Update the reference to the Bump docs in on line 43.

Optional: Continuous Integration (CI) on GitHub

If you connect this repository to GitHub you will be able to use GitHub Actions to run a sample CI script with all the tests, deployments, and stuff. The CI script acts as a template for how you can tie together all the build-time aspects in a simple way. It should be easily portable to whatever CI platform you might otherwise be running.

You'll need a few secrets set beforehand if you are going to use it:

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Your AWS access key ID for a deployment user

  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Your AWS secret access key for a deployment user

  • FAKE_USER_ENDPOINT: Your AWS endpoint for the FakeUser service, in the format (known after the first deployment)

  • MOCKACHINO_ENDPOINT: Your Mockachino endpoint for feature toggles, in the format

  • BUMP_TOKEN: Your token for Bump which will hold your API docs (just skip if you don't want to use it; also remove it from the CI script in that case)

Optional: Deploy documentation to the web

If you have this repo in GitHub you can also very easily connect it through Cloudflare Pages to deploy the documentation as a website generated by TypeDoc.

You need to set the build command to npm run build:hosting, then the build output directory to typedoc-docs.

See the Cloudflare Pages documentation for more information.

You can certainly use something like Netlify if that's more up your alley.

5. Deploy the complete project

You can now deploy the project manually or through CI, now that all of the configurations are done.

Great work!

Last updated